
'Its a dog's life'..which is way better!!

'Some people are successful, happy and have a life...others are women...' In the country we have drives like..'Stop female infanticide' or 'Sex determination is illegal'..have any of us wondered, how do these things actually help..I personally do not feel they help at all!..Considering that we follow these and let the girl child be helpful is that??..The girl dies so many deaths in her entire life leave alone the fact that she barely has an identity or a life of her own at all. Say a girl is born in one of the villages of Rajasthan, Punjab,Bihar U.P, Maharashtra, Assam..or any other state for that matter, dose she get education..HARDLY, that is if at all. She's hardly ever allowed to do the same things as the boy of the family is, add to that she is always reminded that SHE IS A GIRL,which is like the worst thing she could ever be. A boy on the other hand if ever found crying or cribbing is told 'not to behave like a girl'!!..Come to think...

The Lone Truth

They say "words and arrows once released, cannot be recalled..", that might be true, I am not here to comment on any of that. The one thing, according to me that goes around but never ever comes around is, TIME. Not that one needs to be a rocket scientist to know that, nor am I the person to have 'invented' this fact. But, a person like me, 'a jack of all trades master of absolutely none' is the perfect person to have, actually in the true sense, had realized that. Nine years of professional training in Indian Classical Dance. Twelve years of being one of the best elocutionist and reciter . Six years of being one of the leads in the school choir. Umpteenth number of years of being an awards winning painter/artist. Today I sit pursuing none of those and regretting the time that I left doing each of them. How much ever I squirm or pray i cannot go back into time and pick up any one of them from where I left and make my mark in any of those fields. That's ...